Ipad layout
Shine and Sparkle
For: Specialized for young men and women (age 15+)

Body language and first impressions

Personal conduct, mannerism and behaviour

Social etiquette

Table manners and restaurant etiquette

Public speaking and presentation skills

Art of small talk

Appropriate communication skills

Self awareness, handling peer pressure and respecting opposite gender

Learning to appear for interviews

Attire, grooming and personal hygiene

Makeup and hair for girls

Styling consultation, wardrobe organisation

Food and nutrition

Goal setting and time management

Course Duration:

Each course can be customized as per the request and requirements, hence the duration depends on the number of modules selected. Each session is up to 2 hours.

Online sessions available

Course schedule and timings:

we offer 3 time slots: 11am to 1pm/ 3pm to 5pm / 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The time slots can be chosen as per your convenience and our availability

Courses Offered

Minding your manners can create an impressive impact at any social occasion and mastering it at an early age can groom you into a cultured human being.

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